Big Blue After School (BBAS) is a faith-based program, sponsored by the River of Life Fellowship, for children 1st to 6th grade.
We meet Tuesdays (Grades 1-2) and Thursdays (Grades 3-6) at Big Blue Community Center, located at 208 Colorado Avenue in Ordway.
Our goal is to provide a safe environment for your kids to experience God’s love through games, friendships, snacks, music, and just plain fun!
Big Blue will meet only when Crowley County Elementary is in session.
Fall session starts September 17th
Spring Session starts January 14th

Tuesday – Big Blue After School grades 1-2, meets from 4-5:30 p.m.
We will provide adult volunteers who will meet students at the elementary and will walk them to Big Blue every Tuesday.
Thursday – Big Blue After School grades 3-6, meets from 4-5:30 p.m.
We will provide adult volunteers who will meet students at the elementary and will walk them to Big Blue every Thursday.
All students will need a completed registration form with a parent signature in order to attend. 

Big Blue Rental

The River allows rental of the facility for general usage to community organizations and individuals at no-cost.  The facility must be used in agreement to our general terms and conditions.  We do not allow usage for an event by persons or groups holding beliefs that contradict the River's "Statement of Faith".   Click here to access it.

Please fill out the following  inquiry form if you are interested in using the Big Blue.  Once we okay your date(s) you can fill our the Big Blue Reservation Form and submit a deposit to reserve your dates.  

Big Blue Event Inquiry Form


We will contact you after we received your inquiry form.   If you are approved you can download the reservation form HERE and turn it in with your deposit to the church office.

Big Blue, 208 Colorado Avenue, Ordway, CO    
 Phone Number: 719-417-1105